I think the first peer review went rather well, I got some very good feed back, though I apparently discouraged my partner because I already had around five pages, while she only had about two. Despite that I believe I was able to give her a few pointers. It was nice to get another persons opinion on my paper rather than the usual people I corner and make edit them. I was able to tell whether I was making my point at that my sentence structure made sense, because usually after a while I can’t tell anymore. So progress is being made.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Three Weeks Left and Photoshop
Only three weeks, not quite crunch time, but close. I believe after some tweaking my thesis statement is pretty solid.
Little did she know that four years later, at the age of 21 on May 9, 1840, she would become his wife and through the experiences of her upbringing and passion for the written word she would be the most influential woman in his life.
As far as research questions I'm still trying to figure out what to include. I want to focus mostly on Margaret and Sam’s Relationship and how Margaret was an influence in reforming Sam. They had a close relationship and sent numerous letters and in Margaret’s case poems inspirational poems.
Computer Lab: Photoshop Image Selection
Image selection is an important part for my website. Because of my topic being Margaret Moffette Lea Houston I have an unspeakable amount of images though all do not pertain directly to my topic and some add that extra push needed.
This is the main Image I plan to use to open my website with. It is aid to be one of the earliest known images as Margaret. It was done in Galveston, Texas, in 1840, not long after her arrival to Texas from her honeymoon with Sam.
This is the image of a French Ivory cameo that Houston had made in 1836 and gave to Margaret in 1839 as an engagement present, to remember him by when he had to return to Texas.
I was very excited to find these images of Margaret’s bible and Album of poems and writings both of which were very important to her and was never without.
Little did she know that four years later, at the age of 21 on May 9, 1840, she would become his wife and through the experiences of her upbringing and passion for the written word she would be the most influential woman in his life.
As far as research questions I'm still trying to figure out what to include. I want to focus mostly on Margaret and Sam’s Relationship and how Margaret was an influence in reforming Sam. They had a close relationship and sent numerous letters and in Margaret’s case poems inspirational poems.
Computer Lab: Photoshop Image Selection
Image selection is an important part for my website. Because of my topic being Margaret Moffette Lea Houston I have an unspeakable amount of images though all do not pertain directly to my topic and some add that extra push needed.
This is the main Image I plan to use to open my website with. It is aid to be one of the earliest known images as Margaret. It was done in Galveston, Texas, in 1840, not long after her arrival to Texas from her honeymoon with Sam.
This is the image of a French Ivory cameo that Houston had made in 1836 and gave to Margaret in 1839 as an engagement present, to remember him by when he had to return to Texas.
I was very excited to find these images of Margaret’s bible and Album of poems and writings both of which were very important to her and was never without.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Topic 3: Research Paper - So Far
This is my reasearch paper so far. Its still in early stages (unfourtunatly due to my other two reasearch papers I am also working on) I have much more to write and many things i would of written now but i was unable to form them to to comprehensive sentences at the time. Hopefully over the next week or so things will start looking better.
Margaret Moffette Lea Houston
At age 17 with her classmates from Pleasant Valley Academy on the docks in New Orleans, Louisiana Margaret Moffette Lea watched as the schooner Flora made its way downriver carrying the famed General Sam Houston. At this young age still enthralled by the idea of heroes Margaret watched and listened as the wounded Houston thanked the crowed for their support of Texas and was then carried away unconscious as he had collapsed form the pain of his shattered ankle. It is said that Margaret knew then that she would one day meet that man. Little did she know that at the age of 21, on May 9, 1840, she would become his wife and one of the most important influential women in his life. Born on April 11, 1819, Margaret Moffette Lea was the fifth of six children in a distinguished family in Marion, Alabama. Her father, Temple Lea, was a passionate Baptist lay minister and her mother, Nancy Moffette, was descendant of Huguenots whom had fled from the persecution in France to South Carolina, where Temple and Nancy would be married in 1797. Both sides of her family fought for America’s Independence. Upon her birth her oldest Brother, Martian, was 20; her older sister was 18 and gave birth to her first child that same year; her brother Henry was 16 and Vernal was 2. Her younger sister, Antoinette, would complete the Lea family in 1822, 2 months before Margaret’s third birthday.
Settled in Perry County, Alabama, on their parent’s successful plantation, Margaret and her siblings were reared under strict religious training. Margaret could frequently be found buried in books such as those she received through mail-order; Ivanhoe, The Naval Foundling, Swallow Barn, and others. Though her mother taught her the traditions and graces of being a lady, Margaret was closest to her father, which can account for her fervent attachment to all things religious and the desire she would have to instill that in her children also. Upon her father’s death on January 28, 1834 before her fifteenth birthday, she was stricken with such grief that her family knew not how to console her. Her father had left to her four of the family’s slaves, two of which, Joshua and Eliza, would hold great importance in the Houston household during her later years.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Unit 2-Topic2: Two Days with Dreamweaver
After two class periods working with Dreamweaver I have become a little more confident in my ability to create an actual website and now vaguely remember creating one back when I was in high school. Even though, the program can be frustrating I have slowly become excited about creating the site. Working on the structure of the webpage has helped me configure a rough layout for my research paper, form which the page will be built. My project is on Margaret Lea Houston, wife of General Sam Houston, she was know by many as a versifier, or some one who wrote poetry, and I am looking in to incorporated a page that would contain her work. I am looking forward to continuing the creation of my website, but still with some hesitance.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Isaac’s Storm – 1900 Galveston Hurricane – The Fall of a Grand City
Panoramic view of Galveston before the 1900 storm
Previous to the Hurricane of 1900 Galveston, Texas was one of the richest and fastest growing cities in the nation and one of the largest in Texas with a population of over 36,000. Galveston was one of the first cities in Texas to have electricity and was the home of Five of Texas’ largest banks causing it to be known as the Wall Street of the southwest. Houston, its rival to the north, was known as just a country town or Mudville as many Galvestonians called it. Galveston was a place of grandeur and charm with elegant Victorian homes, majestic buildings, cottages, well kept churches, mule and horse drawn carriages, men wearing derbies and top hats and women in fine elegant wear. Being a port town, it became a melting pot of immigrants, sailors, and black labors. Galvestonians had every right to be optimistic that their city could one day be the grandest of the Gulf Coast if not of the nation. Unfortunately Geography and Mother Nature were working against their ambitions. The flourishing city of Galveston was located on a 3-mile wide 27-mile long barrier island with the highest point being only 8 feet above sea level. It was connected to the mainland by three railroad trestles and a wagon bridge. Due to a relaxed attitude toward storms nothing lay, as protection, between the city and the raging ocean waters. A seawall had been proposed many times yet no plans had ever been approved.
The relaxed attitude was partly due to an article written by Isaac Cline, head of the US weather bureau in Galveston, stating that Galveston was safe from any storm, including Hurricanes that could cause any serious harm to the island. He encouraged the development of the city because he felt it would be protected from any storm surge due to the shallow waters. He had such faith in his research and beliefs in the safety of the city that he had built his own house just three blocks from the beach and perched on stilts just two feet above the highest water level ever recorded in the area, and was believed by many to be the strongest house ever to grace the island, their theory would be tested by the storm.
Issac Cline
“Isaac Monroe Cline was born in 1864 in Monroe County, Tennessee. At the age of 16 he attended Hiwassee College, where he studied mathematics, chemistry, physics, Latin, and Greek. Although he entertained the ideas of becoming a preacher and a lawyer, he eagerly accepted an opportunity to join the U.S. weather service when he was recommended for the position by the president of Hiwassee College. In 1882, he began training with the Army Signal Corps, then the parent organization of the United States weather service.” (http://www.randomhouse.com/features/isaacsstorm/greatstorm/bio.html) At the Time of his entrance into the weather service it was plagued with scandals and noted for being notoriously wrong with forecasting and was competing in the newspapers with the forecasts of astrologers. Cline was honored with a post in the weather station in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he earned a medical degree from the University of Arkansas in his spare time. He was promoted in 1885 to take over the weather station in Fort Concho, Texas. He subsequently was transferred from Fort Concho to the Abilene station, where he married his wife, Cora May Bellew, who was an organist in the church he attended. (http://www.randomhouse.com/features/isaacsstorm/greatstorm/bio.html)
Isaac's Wife and three Daughters
In the Early morning hours of September 8th Isaac Cline and his brother, Joseph, argued over the coming storm. Joseph felt the something was not right and a deadly doom was looming over the city. He wanted Isaac to alert the city and suggest every one head for higher land. Isaac was sure the island was safe and told his brother he would check the readings at the office later that morning. Their argument then and later during the storm would tear the brothers apart. Isaac would later walk to the beach and witness the curious occurrence of an incoming storm surge. He noted the wind coming from the north yet the tide was steadily rising. At 9am, is estimated, the storm was 50 miles form the coast, moving at 9-10mph, with 150mph winds. The People of Galveston trusted Isaac and no storm warning flags were flying. By mid morning winds reached 40mph and low lying streets were beginning to flood. By noon gale force winds were tormenting the city and mammoth swells were rolling in crushing the bath houses along the shore, the Hurricane had arrived. By the time Isaac raised the Hurricane warning flag it was too late, water was raising in all the streets, cable cars, trains and wagons could no longer make it of the island or through the streets. Joseph sent a wire to Washington declaring that Galveston was in dire straits.
By the time Isaac reach home his wife an at least 50 other Galvestonians were waiting to hear news of the situation. Isaac suggested that they all stay in his house as it was safe and sturdy. Joseph disagreed and argued that they should try and make it to higher ground or the weather service building while they could. They stayed in the cline home. By 4pm by and gulf waters were meeting and the city was below sea level. Meanwhile of the beach at St. Mary’s orphanage the 10 nuns and 93 children were huddled in the chapel singing in an effort to stay calm. At 6:30 the sea rises 4 feet in four seconds as a 25ft dome of water rushes across the island completely covering the city. Around 7pm Isaac’s house is rapidly filling with water as he looks out the window to see street car tracks break loose and head for his home. Joseph grabs the 2 closest children and dives out a window, Isaac is momentarily pinned down by debris and the house crumbles around them. When Isaac surfaces he finds one of his daughters near by and then unites with his brother and other two daughters to float out the rest of the storm on a large piece of debris from their home, but his wife, who was pregnant at the time, is nowhere to be seen. After 12 hours of driving wind and rain the storm finally begins to die down just after midnight September 9th and before dawn the waters begin to recede.
The sun rises to a beautiful Sunday on September 9 and the survivors begin to gather and sing. Cries of people trapped beneath the debris could be heard but few were able to be rescued. Death Gangs were formed to collect bodies around the city to be identified. A man in one of these brigades found the body of a chilled with a rope tied around its waist that lead to another child and another child until it finally reached the body of a nun. It was a group from St. Mary’s Orphanage, all 10 nuns perished along with 90 of the children. The body of Isaac’s wife carrying their unborn child wasn’t found until September 30, near the location of their home. It took days for news of the Galveston disaster to reach the rest of the country and for help to arrive. 3600 buildings were destroyed, 9 churches wiped out, and hundreds of homes washed away. Over 6,000 lives were lost (1/6 of the population). Many families and survivors left the island for good while some stayed to fight it out and rebuild what was once a grand city. Isaac writes his own legend in his report to Washington and is put down in history as a hero. One year after the storm Isaac is transferred to New Orleans, where he raises his daughters and develops a reputation among the people and opens an art house in the French Quarter. Galveston would never be the same again. In 1904 a 17ft sea wall was erected along 8 miles of shore and the height of the island is increased by 13 feet by bringing in sand from the bay. In 1914 the Houston ship channel is opened and oil is discovered, which leaves Galveston to fade away into obscurity. The 1900 storm remains to this day to be the Nation’s deadliest recorded natural disaster.
For a movie based on the Book Isaac's Storm by Erick Larson visit:
For further information visit the following:
-Galveston and Texas History Center - Rosenberg Library
-Isaac’s Storm homepage at randomhouse.com
Monday, September 7, 2009
Topic 3: The Enola Gay Controversy

The controversy over the use of the Enola Gay in a Smithsonian exhibit and how the end of WWII was being portrayed began in the 1980s. In 1984, Robert McCormick Adams was appointed Secretary to the Smithsonian and in 1987 Martin Harwit is hired to direst the National Air and Space Museum (NASM). These are the two men with the idea to, in Adams words, be “in the business of confronting and learning from history, not suppressing it. It was in 1988 when Adam and Harwit began discussing the idea of displaying the Enola Gay in an exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the End of WWII. I agree that it is important for people to be able to view history critically and from all sides. It states in the first of the five drafts of the exhibits scripts: “The primary goal of this exhibition will be to encourage visitors to undertake a thoughtful and balanced re-examination of these events in the light of the political and military factors leading to the decision to drop the bomb, the human suffering experienced by the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the long-term implications of the events of August 6 and 9, 1945.… The Museum hopes that the proposed exhibition will contribute to a more profound discussion of the atomic bombings among the general public of the United States, Japan and elsewhere.” Many veterans, including the pilot Paul Tibbets, spoke out against the portrayal of the end of the war and the displaying of the Enola Gay. It is a shame that the Enola Gay was left, to in effect decay, in open air storage until this time when it was to be restored for the exhibit. If this plan was such an icon and important part of history why was it not placed in a museum before then? There were faults in many of the drafts for the exhibit yet for the history to be ‘watered down’ in order to show a less controversial exhibit of a controversial event is ineffectual. The atomic bombing of Japan did lead to the end of WWII in the pacific but it was done with little knowledge of the true effects it would have on a community of people and out of anger. It states in the first script of the exhibit, “(the exhibit) will embody one common wish: that nuclear weapons never be used in anger again.” However a nuclear bomb would most likely have been used anyway, whether by the United States or another country, and the effect on Japan that the bombs left has in my opinion stopped the use of nuclear weapons, or at least caused the possessors of such weapons to think twice before using them in retaliation. If possible historical exhibits should engage all viewpoints of an event. One of the points the Enola Gay exhibit lacked was the view of the Japanese government and what the conditions of the surrenders were, the surrender proposal before the dropping of the bombs and the conditions after that included the aid of the United States in rebuilding post war Japan. As difficult as it can be historians should strive to prevent displaying people in aspects of blame, the men on the crews of the plans involved in dropping the bombs were just doing there duty as soldiers and following orders, few even knew the exact reasons and repercussions that would occur following their missions. In the end the Exhibit would open on June 28, 1995 as "The Last Act: The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II" which focused mainly on the plans used for bombing in WWII with the use and restoration of the Enola Gay at its center. However, the rest of the original was not scraped but split up and acquired by other museums as exhibits across the country. Perhaps it was too early for this controversial event to be displayed in all its truth.
Topic 2: "Public History"
Prof. Jordanova's essay. As students of the past, what considerations must we make when we view public history exhibits?
One of the most controversial questions that can be asked when viewing a historical exhibit of some sort is: 'Is this the truth or a biased point of view?' As controversial as this question can be, and has been, it is still asked and in my opinion must be asked in order to understand how the exhibit is portraying the event or person of subject. One who is creating an exhibit or display of historical significance typically chooses the artifacts and information according to how the public is willing to receive the event. For example as stated in Prof. Jordanova’s essay when creating an exhibit for the anniversary of the end of WWII and the dropping of the Atomic bomb, an exhibit in America would most likely show the success that was achieved in ending the war in the pacific. While an exhibit in Japan or even perhaps on the west coast (an area with a significant Japanese and Asian population) would most likely portray it as an unnecessary gruesome tragedy. While neutrality is seemingly impossible to achieve in many exhibits I believe that a historian needs to approach a display not only through what the immediate possible public wants to see but through both sides. How do all parties involved portray an event? What were some of the events and actions leading up to the featured event?
(Above picture aquired at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/medtour/smithsonian.html)
One of the most controversial questions that can be asked when viewing a historical exhibit of some sort is: 'Is this the truth or a biased point of view?' As controversial as this question can be, and has been, it is still asked and in my opinion must be asked in order to understand how the exhibit is portraying the event or person of subject. One who is creating an exhibit or display of historical significance typically chooses the artifacts and information according to how the public is willing to receive the event. For example as stated in Prof. Jordanova’s essay when creating an exhibit for the anniversary of the end of WWII and the dropping of the Atomic bomb, an exhibit in America would most likely show the success that was achieved in ending the war in the pacific. While an exhibit in Japan or even perhaps on the west coast (an area with a significant Japanese and Asian population) would most likely portray it as an unnecessary gruesome tragedy. While neutrality is seemingly impossible to achieve in many exhibits I believe that a historian needs to approach a display not only through what the immediate possible public wants to see but through both sides. How do all parties involved portray an event? What were some of the events and actions leading up to the featured event?
(Above picture aquired at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/medtour/smithsonian.html)
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